
We are in trouble as a country when we have a federal judiciary that fixes cases, and we certainly have that in our country.  We are in deeper trouble when we have federal judicial officials who protect federal judges who fix cases, and we certainly have that in our country.  And we are in even deeper trouble when we have United States Senators who are aware of the judicial corruption and sit back and allow the corruption to flourish while doing nothing about it, and we certainly have that in our country.

I have asked Indiana Senator Todd Young to assist me with a very serious matter involving the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts’ refusal to provide a status of my petition addressing case fixing and cover up that is taking place in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago from which I have filed a petition with the Judicial Conference of the United States in Washington, D.C.

The case fixing that the federal judiciary and government officials are trying to sweep under the rug and hide from the public is the fact that retired Judge Richard A. Posner, a very highly respected federal court of appeals judge, who had appointed me to serve as the executive director of the Posner Center of Justice for Pro Se’s, and disclosed to me in March 2018 that during the pendency of my appeal of a civil rights case against Valparaiso Indiana police years ago, that Judge Michael S. Kanne had initiated an ex parte conversation with Judge Posner during my appeal against the Valparaiso Indiana police who had been tormenting me with numerous false arrests —none of which stood up in court.  Judge Posner came clean and told me that Kanne "had it in for" me and disclosed to me that Kanne had asked Judge Posner in ex parte fashion —as a "favor" to Judge Kanne— to make sure that I did not prevail in my appeal against the Valparaiso police as Judge Posner was on the panel, to which Kanne was not.  Judge Posner admitted that he succumbed to Kanne's "pressure" and accommodated Kanne's "request" to have the district court's erroneous decision in favor of the Valparaiso police affirmed even though Judge Posner knew that it "should have been reversed."  Judge Posner confessed that he knew what he did "was wrong," but that this was "something that judges did for one another from time to time."  Judge Posner then acknowledged to me that Kanne was a "corrupt judge" who fixed cases and that Kanne should have never been a member of the federal judiciary.

                                                "The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse"
                                                                                         ~Edmund Burke

After Judge Posner came clean and disclosed this to me, I filed a judicial-misconduct complaint against Kanne with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago and on September 30, 2021, Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes dismissed the judicial-misconduct complaint on ridiculous technical grounds, and not on the merits.  Sykes did this even though Kanne didn’t deny —on the record— that he fixed the decision as disclosed by Judge Posner.  This is how deeply corrupt things are in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago.  So I followed the required procedure and filed a petition with the Judicial Conference of the United States, and that judicial body has chosen to act as though the petition was never filed and is so worried about the public scrutiny over the case fixing activities and cover up that I have brought to light upon Judge Posner’s revelation of Kanne’s case fixing, that not only will it not issue a decision —as it is required to do— it won’t even acknowledge the fact that a petition was filed with the Judicial Conference of the United States addressing the corruption in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago.

The question begging an answer is where does one go when a federal judge discloses that the decision of a person’s civil rights case was fixed by a federal judge and the chief judge sweeps it under the rug, and then the administrative agency of the United States federal court system, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, refuses to provide a status or explanation as to why the Judicial Conference of the United States is looking the other way?  I went to a United States Senator in my state, Todd Young of Indiana, who boasts on his website that “Navigating the federal bureaucracy can be a difficult task. My staff and I can offer help for Hoosiers who can’t get an answer from a federal agency in a timely manner…”  I made the request for assistance to Senator Young on April 4, 2022, after it became evident that the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and the Judicial Conference of the United States was interested in keeping the case fixing and cover up activities of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago close to the vest and away from the public’s knowledge.

On April 7, 2022, I received an email from Senator Young stating “…I have contacted the appropriate officials to express my interest on your behalf. I will be in touch with you as soon as I receive a response….”  On May 2, 2022, I sent an email to Young’s aide, a Melisa Shoots, asking her to provide me with a copy of the so called “request” that Senator Young made on my behalf.  I told her that I am very concerned about the manner in which this federal agency does its business of which concern is certainly underscored in how it ignored my request for a status report as to my petition and I made it clear that this is something that needed to be addressed.  I received an email back from Ms. Shoots stating “We do not provide copies of those letters to our constituents. These letters have Congressional liaisons contact info that we do not share. Other Federal agencies are not obligated to provide us the information we request. They do this as a courtesy”.

I responded back letting Ms. Shoots know that it was very disappointing to hear that Senator Young refuses to provide his constituents with copies of letters that he has purported to have sent out on their behalf.  I told Ms. Shoots that if Congressional liaison contact information was truly a concern, then that particular information could be redacted from the letters.  I told Ms. Shoots that It would seem that a constituent should be entitled to a copy of a document that has been purportedly sent by an elected representative on the constituent’s behalf as basic transparency 101.  I told her that I do not accept proceedings undertaken in secret insofar as issues that are matters of public concern and direct concern to the constituent to be viable proceedings when there is a refusal against providing verifiable copies of the information to the constituent.  The refusal of Senator Young to provide a copy of his purported letter for verification purposes to show that he did in fact send the letter on my behalf is a cause for alarm, and such refusal calls into question whether he actually sent the letter as he said he did.

I sent several follow up emails to Ms. Shoots, but all for naught, as every response back from her was pretty much the same as her previous responses, so it became very evident to me that Todd Young wasn’t going to be any help.  I started having a bad feeling about Todd Young when Ms. Shoots said that Young would not provide copies of his letter that he supposedly sent to the federal agency.  That was very strange and certainly raised a red flag.

On May 15, 2022, I emailed Ms. Shoots and expressed my concern that the refusal of the federal agency to respond and the refusal of Senator Young to provide me with copies of letters that he purports were sent on my behalf mirrored how things are done in Russia and China.  I told her that we cannot have government agencies and government officials operating in such secret fashion without any accountability and that two things need to happen here, a) Senator Todd needs to introduce a senate bill which would require federal agencies to respond to senators' inquiries on behalf of their constituents, and, b) Senator Young needs to request to the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin, and the other members of the Committee, to hold public hearings as to the case fixing and cover up that is taking place in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago, and also include in the public hearings the issue of the Judicial Conference of the United States' conduct of sweeping my petition as to the corruption in the U.S. Court of Appeals under the rug.  I made it clear that this was a formal request and that she should let me know whether or not Senator Young will be honoring my requests as to these two issues.  Ms. Shoots responded back that she would send my message but that she could not determine the outcome as to my requests to the senator.  On May 18, 2022, I emailed Ms. Shoots and asked if Senator Young was going to honor my requests, but Ms. Shoots did not respond back.

Case fixing by federal judges and cover up of it by brethren judges is against the laws of the United States.  Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes and her undisclosed judicial minions failed to report to law enforcement authorities the criminal activities of Michael S. Kanne as disclosed by Judge Posner —which Kanne has not denied on the record— which in effect renders Sykes and all of her partner in crime minions who were involved in the cover up as criminals under 18 U.S. Code Sec. 2, 18 U.S. Code Sec. 3 and 18 U.S. Code Sec. 4.  The law is the law.  This in all likelihood is why Senator Todd Young refused to go all in and get to the bottom of what was going on.  A classic case of government corruption of the highest degree

               “A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.”                                                                                                                                                   ~ Thomas Paine

A country with a federal judiciary that permits its federal judges to fix cases and allows brethren judges to cover up the case fixing activities is akin to a banana republic.  A country with a legislative system where United States Senators are supposed to protect the Constitution and the interests of their constituents but instead allows its senators to protect corrupt federal judges by not insisting that the government agency provide a status of a petition that has been filed that addresses corruption in the federal judiciary is something one might expect to take place in China or Russia, but not in the United States.  A governmental system that permits United States senators to purport to constituents that letters have been sent to government agencies on behalf of constituents, but refuses to provide a copy of the purported letters to the constituents to show that the senator actually sent the letter as purported, is a very flawed system that reeks of malfeasance —and that is exactly what we have here.

                                     “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
                                                                                       ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Senator Todd Young’s refusal to provide a copy of the purported letter that he said was sent to the federal agency, and Young’s failure to say whether or not he would honor my requests for him to introduce a senate bill which would require federal agencies to respond to senators' inquiries on behalf of their constituents, and also Young's failure to honor my request that he ask the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin, and the other Committee members, to hold public hearings as to the case fixing and cover up that is taking place in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago, constitutes a blatant failure of Senator Todd Young in his role as a United States Senator as he breached his duty to me, a constituent, by his refusal to provide me with a copy of a letter that was purportedly sent —but concealed from me— calls into substantial question whether Young actually sent the letter, and Young’s refusal to request that the Senate Judiciary Committee hold public hearings as to the case fixing and cover up going on in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago is a breach against the public's interest to be free from a corrupt federal judiciary.

                             “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
                                                                                                         ~ Desmond Tutu