Corruption of the U.S. Legal System and All Things Related

A Leading Pro Se's Perspective of Our Corrupt Legal System

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The Supreme Court Has Declared War Against the Peoples' Rights: A Revolution Is Now Necessary


The country is now at its tipping point with the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, an action undertaken by the Supreme Court in a very corrupt manner with the help of corrupt justices who lied under oath during their confirmation hearings in order to get on the Supreme Court to advance judicial corruption.  Make no mistake about it, that is exactly what happened here.  Without question the Supreme Court has reached a real nadir.  The question now is, what are we —the people— going to do about it?  In other words, are we, as a country, going to continue to allow judges who lie under oath at their confirmation hearings to continue to be on the Supreme Court, or are we going to take a stand against it?

The Time Has Come for Congress to Revisit the Outrageous Pensions Given to Federal Judges


Because judges in the federal judiciary and justices on the Supreme Court have generally not been operating with a high degree of trust, the confidence level of the people in our federal judiciary and Supreme Court is at all all-time nadir.  The recent controversy surrounding the leaking of the Alito draft opinion as to the upcoming anticipated overruling of the Roe v. Wade decision regarding women’s abortion rights has brought the country to a tipping point.  It is therefore time for Congress to revisit and make some changes to some laws pertaining to federal judges and Supreme Court justices.

The So Called "Leaked" Draft Opinion from the Supreme Court is the Public's Business


There is a very substantial controversy going on in the country regarding the draft opinion that was written by Justice Samuel Alito calling on the Court to overrule Roe v. Wade —the landmark 1973 opinion that legalized abortion nationwide that has been leaked out.  Chief Justice John Roberts has confirmed that the leaked document is “authentic” but in doing damage control he said that it does not represent a decision by the Court of the final position of any member on the issues in the case.”  That is poppycock and Roberts knows it!

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